Is there a sibling discount?


Last Update há 2 anos

Answer: The iTeach and iTeach✝ programs offer a $10/month* discount per additional student per month, or a $70/year discount per additional student annually. For large families, subscription amounts are capped at the 5th student.

iTeach – 1st student is $29/month; each additional student (up to 5) $19/month

1st student is $299/year; each additional student (up to 5) $229/year

iTeach✝ – 1st student is $39/month; each additional student (up to 5) $29/month

1st student is $399/year; each additional student (up to 5) $329/year

*Sibling discounts are applied after the initial registration fee. To register a multi-student family, the account holder must pay one full subscription fee upfront. Sibling discounts are only applicable if the students are enrolled in the same program.

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